Friday, November 16, 2007

No One listens to me.

No one listens to me,
Sitting here all alone,
Why won't they listen to me?
Don't they know how?

I wish they would listen to me,
I'm really very lonely,
If one person would listen to me,
I'd be perfectly happy.

Why don't they listen to me?
They pass right by and don't notice,
Oh no one listens to me!
Only a child passes now.

Oh child listen to me!
And the child does!
Now someone listens to me!
I'm lonely no more!

Who would listen to me?
Just a gargoyle sitting here?
A child would listen to me,
And listen close me dear.

The reason you could listen to me,
While no one else could hear,
Belief let you listen to me,
While grown ups couldn't hear.

So if no one listens to you,
Talk and belive in a gargoyle,
They will always listen to you,
For they know lonliness to.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

well, for the sake of content in comments, here's something I thought: who does the speaker end up talking to, a gargoyle or a child? It seems he or she is talking to a child in the 5th verse, but then in the 6th he or she mentions speaking to a gargoyle.